Training American Truckers since 1963
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Many students cannot afford the 30-60 hours of in person classes. With our online courses your student can be ready to start your behind the wheel training right away so you never turn away a ready-to-go student!
Start offering your students online ELDT, today!
Partner with us and you too can extend this top rated education to your students at a discount, today or create a net new revenue stream for your school by reselling our courses!
Join our network and let us refer to you ready-to-go students
Our students constantly ask us for referrals and we are here to help! Join our ever growing referral network to receive financially packaged, ready-to-go students referred to your BTW program. We ONLY refer live students who are actively working towards their ELDT certificates and are actively looking to join a school.
Join forces with us!
CDL eXpert is the industry's fastest growing online trucking school. With a 4.9 rating in TrustPilot, and a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 84, our students LOVE us! Partner with us today to unlock your school's full potential!
Talk to us Today!
Our students constantly ask us for referrals and we are here to help! Join our ever growing referral network to receive financially packaged, ready-to-go students referred to your BTW program. We ONLY refer live students who are actively working towards their ELDT certificates and are actively looking to join a school.
Join our network and let us refer to you ready-to-go students
Many students cannot afford the time for 30-60 hours of in person classes. With our online courses your student can be ready to start your behind the wheel training right away so you never have to turn away a ready-to-go student.
Join more students
Partner with us and you too can extend this top rated education to your students at a discount, today or create a net new revenue stream for your school by reselling our courses!